How Much Can You Write In MS Word In Only One Second ?

How much can you write in ms word in only one second ? Or do you think you can write anything in ms word ? I bet you cannot write what i will say you to write. You cannot write a single line which i say in ms word. I would say that you can write many number pages in one second but not a single line which i will tell you.
If you think you know how to use computer then just write what i am going to say in ms word.
Open MS Word and then write =rand(200,99) and press enter. Then just see the magic of ms word. What you type will not be shown instead you will see many number of pages written by you.

Now just tell your friends that you can write many number of pages in one second and make a bet with them and then just write this line and press enter to make your friends totally amazed. Enjoy :)


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