Windows 8 gets a new task manager and USB booting

Advanced Task Manager

Microsoft is working on a new task manager interface for Windows 8

This screenshot is of the Advanced Task Manager, which shows the CPU usage, running processes, and other detailed information for users who can understand it. In the lower right of the picture, you can see another part of the new task manager that indicates how much memory and power an application or process is using up.

The screenshot above, which was posted by a user in the Mydigitallife forum, shows a larger, more touch-friendly interface for the basic task manager. Applications can be killed by simply pressing the X button on the right,while categories can be minimized or maximized by clicking on them with a mouse or, presumably, a touch of the finger.

Finally, Windows 8 will have a Portable Workspace feature,which lets you install a fully bootable, usable version of Windows onto a 16+ GB USB drive. This feature could help IT folk diagnose problems with PC installations.


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