Sending Email Via Different Email IDs Using Single Gmail Acount

We all have multiple account on different websites  like hotmail,rediffmail and we can`t manage all them  easily ,usually the main problem occur when we have to login in one of account to send email and we don't remember the password thus it become really tough job to manage them

So in today's tutorial by TFH we will tell u a trick to operate all ur email  id for sending/receiving mail through ur single gmail account.Read the tutoria below  to learn the trick

Steps to Use More than one Email address

STEP 1.First login to your Gmail account and open inbox
STEP 2. Go to Settings.

STEP 3. Then go to Send mail as option and select Add another email address you own under Accounts and Import tab

STEP 4. After it a pop window will open fill sender name, other mail address.

STEP 5. Then u will be asked to use Gmail or SMTP. If you don`t  know about SMTP then simple choose Gmail.

STEP 6. Now,a verification will be sent to ur additional mail,

  STEP 7. Simply copy the code sent and paste in the verfication box

STEP 8. Choose mail id which you want and send it to anywhere.

  • enjoy.....


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