Best Way To Solve The Problem Of Internet Addiction

We all netizen's user are addicted to the site of our interest in on or the other way.Some of us are addicted to social networking sites such as facebook,twitter etc where as some to other that not also waste our precious time but it will decrease our productivity .So what is the way to get rid of this addition

How to solve the problem? One of the best way that TFH suggest is
KeepMeOut creates custom, timed bookmarks that give it to you straight when you're visiting a site too frequently. What you need to do is too just follow the steps written below
For example, if you want to keep out of facebook,

STEP 1. Visit
STEP 2. Just add the URL of the in "Warn me if i go to" text box
STEP 3.  Enter the time limit to access
STEP 4. Then the service will provide you with another URL that you should use to access the service (You should bookmark it and always use it)

Ur r dun.....

If you try to access the site more than once within a specific time interval, say 60 minutes, they service will block you and remind that you should wait some time before you can go there again.


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