[Expired!]Free Zuker GiveAway | Earn Lots Of Money And Become A ShareHolder In A Social Networking Site For FREE

Our Personal Recommendation:We would never have guessed that I would have the chance to own part of a social network that will overtake Facebook. Imagine if you had been offered the opportunity to own part of Facebook for zero cost, would you have seized the moment? You have a similar chance with Zurker right now. At the moment it’s in beta and membership is by invitation only, so here’s your invite:-
==>>>>  Zurker Exclusive Invitation Page (No Waiting, Instant Activation) Don’t Miss it!

Zurker - an Introduction to the Future

Zurker as the caption indicates that where every user becomes a co owner actually this site is making us to earn money with out any effort just by simply joining this site we are going to get a share and depending upon the count your value will be decided
 It will be different from facebook or other social networking sites in the sense that each one of them are earning money by the number of accounts but no one is allowing the users to earn but zurker allows us to earn money simply by joining.

Must Read :

Zurker is totally free to join. I have included an invitation for you below, which you will need because Zurker is in it’s beta testing stage and won’t be available to the general public until April 2012…so if you want to join now, you need the Zurker invitation link I included. Imagine if you were given the opportunity to join Facebook when it was in it’s beta testing stage and were given 1 share in the company for every person you referred – all without investing any money! Imagine what your share in the company would be worth now! Oh well, we can’t dwell on what could have been. We need to look to the future. Zurker is the future, and a new concept for a social network that is user driven, user based, and user owned, which gives it a lot of potential to rival social networks like Facebook. Zurker allows you to earn money while being socially connectedA free invitation to join and a free share in the company for every referred member, why would want not want to join

Zurker is a member-owned application.

This means Zurker isn't owned by a select few venture capitalists who stand to make billions and billions. There is nothing wrong with the idea of venture capitalists making billions from tech investments, but in the case of a social network, the priorities get skewed.If social networks are owned by VC's and investment banks (such as Goldman Sachs) and other investors looking purely for profit, they gradually become orientated towards one thing and one thing only: making money. How do we mine more data from the users? How do we monetize their every action? How do we get them addicted to paid apps which improve the bottom line?
It's not a bad thing for a social network to make money, but if squeezing every last penny from the user base is the abiding concern, the users aren't going to get the best possible product.

Zurker is driven by democracy.

The traditional way for social networks to innovate has been top-down all the way. A small group of engineers make key decisions about what features should be made available. Sometimes, brilliant innovators (such as Steve Jobs) can come up with mind-blowing applications nobody knew they wanted.But in many cases, the changes are driven by mundane things such as corporate politics, and the users are forced to adapt to changes because they have no choice.
At Zurker, we believe that if our members own the project, they will enthusiastically contribute ideas and feedback, allowing the Zurker development team to develop the social application most in tune with what people actually want.

Zurker is owned by you.

There are dozens if not hundreds of social applications on the web. All of them want your time, and most of them want you to help them grow by referring your friends. But why should you? The only people who benefit when those apps grow are the founders and their investors. They stand to make hundreds of millions of dollars each if their product takes off, so it's no wonder they keep pressuring you to help them grow.At Zurker, you are a co-owner and an investor. You can earn vShares by referring your friends. The more friends you invite, the more equity you earn. Zurker becomes better, and better, as more people join, increasing in value. As Zurker becomes more valuable, your stake becomes more valuable.
Like any other social network, we ask you to refer your friends. We ask you to do some work. But we make sure you get a slice of the pie in return

Click Here To Avail the Opportunity


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  1. Tusshar Aggarwal said...:

    Bro your link is not working, better try this one for Zurker India.

    And Don't forget to verify your email account, if you do not get mail to verify your account, check your spam folder.

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