he Structure of the Registry
The Registry has a hierarchal structure, although it looks complicated the structure is similar to the directory structure on your hard disk, with Regedit being similar to Windows Explorer.
Each main branch (denoted by a folder icon in the Registry Editor, see left) is called a Hive, and Hives contains Keys. Each key can contain other keys (sometimes referred to as sub-keys), as well as Values. The values contain the actual information stored in the Registry. There are three types of values; String, Binary, and DWORD - the use of these depends upon the context.
There are six main branches, each containing a specific portion of the information stored in the Registry. They are as follows:
• HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT - This branch contains all of your file association mappings to support the drag-and-drop feature, OLE information, Windows shortcuts, and core aspects of the Windows user interface.
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER - This branch links to the section of HKEY_USERS appropriate for the user currently logged onto the PC and contains information such as logon names, desktop settings, and Start menu settings.
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE - This branch contains computer specific information about the type of hardware, software, and other preferences on a given PC, this information is used for all users who log onto this computer.
• HKEY_USERS - This branch contains individual preferences for each user of the computer, each user is represented by a SID sub-key located under the main branch.
• HKEY_CURRENT_CONFIG - This branch links to the section of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE appropriate for the current hardware configuration.
• HKEY_DYN_DATA - This branch points to the part of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, for use with the Plug-&-Play features of Windows, this section is dynamic and will change as devices are added and removed from the system.
Each registry value is stored as one of five main
• REG_BINARY - This type stores the value as raw binary data. Most hardware component information is stored as binary data, and can be displayed in an editor in hexadecimal format.
• REG_DWORD - This type represents the data by a four byte number and is commonly used for boolean values, such as "0" is disabled and "1" is enabled. Additionally many parameters for device driver and services are this type, and can be displayed in REGEDT32 in binary, hexadecimal and decimal format, or in REGEDIT in hexadecimal and decimal format.
• REG_EXPAND_SZ - This type is an expandable data string that is string containing a variable to be replaced when called by an application. For example, for the following value, the string "%SystemRoot%" will replaced by the actual location of the directory containing the Windows NT system files. (This type is only available using an advanced registry editor such as REGEDT32)
• REG_MULTI_SZ - This type is a multiple string used to represent values that contain lists or multiple values, each entry is separated by a NULL character. (This type is only available using an advanced registry editor such as REGEDT32)
• REG_SZ - This type is a standard string, used to represent human readable text values.
Other data types not available through the standard registry editors include:
• REG_DWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN - A 32-bit number in little-endian format.
• REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN - A 32-bit number in big-endian format.
• REG_LINK - A Unicode symbolic link. Used internally; applications should not use this type.
• REG_NONE - No defined value type.
• REG_QWORD - A 64-bit number.
• REG_QWORD_LITTLE_ENDIAN - A 64-bit number in little-endian format.
• REG_RESOURCE_LIST - A device-driver resource list.
Editing the Registry
The Registry Editor (REGEDIT.EXE) is included with most version of Windows (although you won't find it on the Start Menu) it enables you to view, search and edit the data within the Registry. There are several methods for starting the Registry Editor, the simplest is to click on the Start button, then select Run, and in the Open box type "regedit", and if the Registry Editor is installed it should now open and look like the image below.
Using Regedit to modify your Registry
Once you have started the Regedit you will notice that on the left side there is a tree with folders, and on the right the contents (values) of the currently selected folder.
Like Windows explorer, to expand a certain branch (see the structure of the registry section), click on the plus sign [+] to the left of any folder, or just double-click on the folder. To display the contents of a key (folder), just click the desired key, and look at the values listed on the right side. You can add a new key or value by selecting New from the Edit menu, or by right-clicking your mouse. And you can rename any value and almost any key with the same method used to rename files; right-click on an object and click rename, or click on it twice (slowly), or just press F2 on the keyboard. Lastly, you can delete a key or value by clicking on it, and pressing Delete on the keyboard, or by right-clicking on it, and choosing Delete.
Note: it is always a good idea to backup your registry before making any changes to it. It can be intimidating to a new user, and there is always the possibility of changing or deleting a critical setting causing you to have to reinstall the whole operating system. It's much better to be safe than sorry!
A wise administrator once said, "The more you know about the Microsoft® Windows® registry, the more dangerous you are." In a way, this is true because when you know nothing about the registry—except for the horror stories you've heard about its destructive power—you're much more careful when making changes than you'd probably be if you knew the entire registry structure inside and out. What this means is that regardless of your skill level, you can inadvertently make a change to the registry that will destroy Windows. Fortunately, there are often steps you can take to correct the action. In this article, I'll show you some techniques you can use to repair a damaged registry.
Using Safe Mode
The easiest way to fix a damaged registry is to boot Windows into Safe Mode and run REGEDIT to make the corrections. Many times this technique will work even when registry problems prevent Windows from booting in Normal Mode, because Safe Mode uses a minimal set of drivers and registry instructions. Of course, for this technique to truly work, you must know where you made the initial mistake in the registry and what needs to be changed to make the correction.
Using the Import Feature
As you may know, the Registry Editor has the ability to import and export the registry to and from a text file. You can do this by using the Import Registry File and Export Registry File commands on the Registry Editor's Registry menu. If you plan on making modifications to your registry, you can export the registry to a text file. If something were to go wrong, you could later import your original registry back in.
How to disable Task Manager or CTL + ALT + DEL
1- Click start menu > click Run to open Run dialog box. Type regedit to run Windows Registry Editor.
2- Go to following address:
3- Create a New DWORD value, name it as DisableTaskMgr, and give it value of 1.
4- To enable Task Manager again, delete created key
To disable Display Properties Tabs
You can disable Display Properties Tabs, to do this go to following address:
HKEY-CURRENT-USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System
in the right panel create a DWORD with value of 1 and enter following entries as name
for each Tap you want to disable:
to disable ScreenSaver type: NoDispScrSavPage
to disable Desktop type: NoDispBackgroundPage
to disable Themes type: NoThemesTab
to disable Setting type: NoDispSettingsPage
To disable " Set as background" feature in Interne
as you know, you can change your desktop wallpaper in Internet Explorer . to disable this feature, run registry editor and go to following address:
HKEY-CURRENT-USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ ActiveDesktop
In the right panel create a DWORD, type " NoChangingWallpaper" as name and "1" as value of DWORD.[hr=noshade] [/hr]
To run programs from RUN dialog box
As you know, you can run such programs as Regedit and Msconfig. To run other windows programs by RUN dialog box, run registry and go to following address:
HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ App Paths
Create a Key and name it as same as your program, like Myprog.exe and in value field,
type your program address, for example: C:\Program Files\Myprog\Myprog.exe
Now, create a String Value, and type your program location as address, for example:
C:\Program Files\MyProg
How to disable Shared Documents in Windows Xp
1- Click start menu > click Run to open Run dialog box. Type regedit to run Windows Registry Editor.
2- Go to following address:
3- Delete following key :
How to add background picture to Toolbars in My computer and Explorer
1- Click start menu > click Run to open Run dialog box. Type regedit to run Windows Registry Editor.
2- Go to following address:
Explorer\Toolbar HKEY_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Internet
3- Create a new String Value, name it BackBitmapShell and type your favorite picture address as value.
4- Note that file extension must be GIF or BMP.
To enable Smooth Font feature
1- Click Start Menu > Select Run and type "regedit" to run Windows Registry Editor.
2- Go to the following address:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop
3- Create a new String value, name it as "FontSmoothing", and give it value of "2".
4- Close Windows Registry Editor and restart your Computer.
To disable your desktop (no desktop)!
1- Open Windows Registry Editor
2- Go to the following address:
3- Create a new binary value, name it as " NoDesktop", and give it value of "01".
4- Close Windows Registry Editor and restart your Computer
To add an image before Windows XP Welcome Screen
1- Open Windows Registry Editor.
2- Go to the following address:
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
3- Create a new String value, name it as " Wallpaper", type your desire *.BMP image file, in value field.
4- Close Windows Registry Editor and restart your Computer
Note : image format must be BMP
How to show super hidden files (windows system files)
1- Open Windows Registry Editor.
2- Go to the following address:
3- Create a new DWORD, name it as " ShowSuperHidden", and give it value of "1".
4- Close Windows Registry Editor and restart your Computer.
Hide selective programs/applications listed in Add or Remove:
Go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key:
Local the program in question in the left pane. In the right pane, right click
DisplayName and select rename: Add Quiet so it will read:
QuietDisplayName. No reboot or refresh needed. Open Add or Remove - the listing is
now gone. To revert, rename back to DisplayName
Add and Remove - Restrictions
Go to Start/Run/Regedit and navigate to this key: (The first one is per user, the second, per system)
Create a new DWORD value for each restriction required according to the table below.
Set the value to equal "1" to enable the restriction or "0" to disable it.
• NoAddRemovePrograms - Disable Add/Remove Programs
• NoRemovePage - Disable Change and Remove Programs
• NoAddPage - Disable Add Programs
• NoWindowsSetupPage - Disable Windows Components Wizard
• NoAddFromCDorFloppy - Hide "Add a program from CD-ROM or disk" option
• NoAddFromInternet - Hide "Add programs from Microsoft" option
• NoAddFromNetwork - Hide "Add programs from your network" option
• NoServices - Go directly to Windows Components Wizard
• NoSupportInfo - Disable Support Information
You may need to restart Windows for the changes to take effect.
Animation - Disable Windows Animation in XP
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics.
In the right pane, select New/String. Name it MinAnimate.
Set Value to 0. Exit/Reboot.
Applications - Restrict Users from Running Specific Applications
This setting allows you to specify applications and filenames that users are restricted from running.
Open your registry and find the key
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Policies\Explorer]
Create a new DWORD value and name it "DisallowRun" set the value to "1" to enable application restrictions or "0" to allow all applications to run.
Then create a new sub-key called
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Policies\Explorer\DisallowRun]
and define the applications the are to be restricted. Creating a new string value for each application, named as consecutive numbers, and setting the value to the filename to be restricted (e.g. "regedit.exe").
Automatically Close Non-Responding Applications on Shutdown
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop
Value Name: AutoEndTasks, Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value), Value Data: (0 = disabled, 1 = enabled). Modify the value of 'AutoEndTasks' to equal '1' to automatically end tasks or '0' to prompt for action.
Note: This change will affect all users but the value can also be changed on a user-by-user basis by modifying [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop] with the same values.
Bios - View System BIOS Information
Value Name: SystemBiosDate, SystemBiosVersion, VideoBiosDate
Data Type: REG_SZ (String Value)