Prevention Against ATM Theft

 Suppose u went to an ATM to cash some money and there a criminal caught to and say to extract money from ATM,then simply follow the following steps to save your money 


  • Just reverse your PIN Account number. 
  • Like if my PIN CODE is 1234, then simply type 4321
  • If some one having PIN Code like 7777 then just put a 0 (Zero) in the last digit e.g 7770
Money will stuck half in the ATM and half outside. Your money will be saved



  1. Aghey said...:

    please remove this publication as it is only a e-rumor. No bank in this world has implemented this technology. Moreover what about the codes which are palindrome i.e. codes like 1221. This can be dangerous for a person who is standing at gunpoint trying to implement this method. Check out the link for truth or search google

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